Director Tommy Schlamme

The creator of The West Wing, Parenthood, Sports Night and Manhattan, to name just a few, Tommy has had a prolific career and has an intrinsic connection to camera operators. He shares his views on getting ahead, how to work with actors, navigating the DP/Director relationship and so much more. A great episode with a phenomenal storyteller.

Rowan Atkinson Live (1992)


Sports Night (pilot)

Sports Night Episode 2 The Apology

Can a Guy Say No (ABC After School Special)

Mad About You 15 Minutes

Americans Tooth Pulling Scene

ER Live

The West Wing

Please check out on the web and instagram and like us if you enjoyed the episode.


Theme Music - Tatyana Richaud

Theme Mix - Charles Papert



Operator Don Devine, SOC


Operator Rochelle Brown