How to Succeed as a PA (Part 1)
Check out Jeff Sweeney’s amazing PA Crash Course document here and/or download it here.
A friend pointed out that most people starting out are not going to jump into camera (if that is their goal) and instead will probably start out as PAs on whatever show they can get on. So today we are talking to Lauren Senger (Key PA), Jeff Sweeney (Key PA) and Ana Pellar (First Team PA) about the dos and don'ts, what to do the moment you park your car on day one, and much much more. Take a peak into the world of the PA and find out what it takes to succeed!
You can access Jeff Sweeney's PA Crash Course that we discuss here.
Lauren's Instagram
Jeff's Instagram
Ana's baking instagram and website.
Please check us out on instagram and like and review us if you enjoyed the episode.
Theme Music - Tatyana Richaud
Theme Mix - Charles Papert
A book on how to be a successful PA! Check it out here.