When you are on A cam, how do you know when to run to the bathroom?

Great question! I try to time it till right after I’ve learned what the shot is from the director/ DP and I’ve given instructions to my AC’s and dolly grip. But if you have to go, you have to go. Generally whenever I tell the 1st AD I need to go, they end up going the same time as me. We all need a bathroom break! 

It’s actually not a silly question because walking away from set allows all sorts of things to happen. I usually try to go during the private rehearsals. If that’s not possible because I’m involved, I will generally go right after the crew gets the set assuming there is some build that is needed. I’ll talk with the AC, dolly grip, and set dresser and let them know what I need. I’ll have spoken with the key grip and gaffer to let them know what we will be seeing, and then I’ll alert the DP and AD that I am heading to the bathroom. That way I am at least covered. But don’t fool yourself, you can leave the set of a Rom Com and come back 5 minutes later and its a slasher film. A lot can change really quick so when you come back to set, ask the AC if anything has been change and look around.

The hardest thing to learn as an operator…when is the right time to leave the set. After a few years you study how long everything takes: laying the track, moving the techno base, when the director calls cut and moving on…and in those few moments you make your move! Now there is always the variable of how far away are the bathrooms which is when I like to make a point when they are too far away of walking back at a very leisurely pace and having them all wait for me. AD’s love that!!!


Which if any of your responsibilities crosses over into another department's domain? How do you handle that?


What should I be doing to prep for a film? Equipment Wise? Conceptually?