You show up for day playing and the dolly grip or 1st AC aren’t as good as you need them to be. What do you do?

This is always a sticky situation but the first conversation to be had with either, or both, is let’s do this together and it’s gonna be great. I used to watch other ops get frustrated and beat down on one or both positions to which there will be no positive outcome. Like with kids, new coworkers will respond better to positive reinforcement and compromise. With some hard work and a little luck you’ll get thru the day, they elevate their work to yours and if you’re fortunate enough to get invited back now you have a working relationship to build from that is positive…. 

It sucks. You play the hand you’re dealt. But know that you won’t get anywhere by belittling them. Build them up. Talk them through it. And try not to get frustrated. If worst comes to worst you may have to take the DP aside and QUIETLY explain that so and so isn’t where you need them to be and what is being asked of you may not happen, but this is only once you’ve established that you are out of options. Also, taking a hit yourself for a screw up early on shows them that you are supporting them. Do your best to let them know you are all a team and you will get through this. It doesn’t always work but I have had situations where I have helped people do better work than they thought they were capable of and honestly, it’s a great feeling. Finally, be nice. If this is the B or C team, it’s likely they have had an operator who berated them for not being up to snuff. Simply being kind will get them on your side and you’d be surprised how much that helps.


Does anyone have resumes anymore? What do you give to a new DP or UPM if they are asking to see what you’ve done? Website? Reel? IMDB?


As a new operator, sometimes I get in my own head and it becomes an issue. Does this happen to seasoned operators? How do you deal with it?