What advice would you give a B operator who is looking for the skills necessary to become an A operator?

Watch. Listen. Take notes. Ask questions when it’s appropriate. There;’s a huge difference between being a B cam op and and A cam op and almost none of it has to do with actual operating. yes, you need to be able to land shots, set up shots, etc etc, but it’s really more about interacting with the Ad, the DP, the Director and the actors. You are much more of a traffic cop making sure everything is running well and keeping an eye on things than you are as a B camera operator. It’s not rocket science, but it’s also not completely apparent.

If you think you are ready, you probably aren’t. If you think you aren’t ready, you may be. Know how to use the wheels and how to interact with people. Know when to show your hand, when to bluff, when to say something strategic out loud, and when to keep your mouth shut. It’s highly political and you can’t hide.

Practice. Listen. Practice. Listen. Repeat.

Learn to trust your team. Learn to collaborate. See what the A camera operators you have worked with have done to you as the b Cam op that you dont like and dont do that. Start knowing the script. Pay attention to how the A cam op interacts with the AD, this is a big part of being an A camera op.

Learn to be proactive. B cam can be a reactive position. “You have this area to work within, find something”. A camera is a more proactive “we are going to be working here” kind of situation. You are going to be more vocal. More outspoken. Learn to use your voice and make statements not ask questions. Not to say that you know everything and you will never ask questions but when you need something to happen state it.

You’ll be stepping into a much bigger leadership role so dont take that lightly. Not just as far as information and how the shots will work, but even the temperament on set, The A camera operator is sometimes (on some shows, but not all) a bit of a cruise director. People are looking to you now much more than when you were on B. Your tone, your attitude, your spirit can make or break a set so know that and make sure you are on point and reading the room, reacting to it as needed.

One thing I can tell you for sure, when the A camera op is doing a big crane shot and you aren’t doing anything, grab an extra pair of headsets and watch the monitor while listening to them talk the dolly grip and crane grip through the move. This is one of those things that is really hard to do and you will have a front row seat to learning how it’s done. Listen and watch. Trust me on this one.


Have you ever stepped off of a show due to your own decision about not wanting to be there/it not working out? What was the reason and how did you go about dealing with that?


How do you go about establishing a romantic relationship, or successfully have a family and raise kids with someone, when you are working the hours we work?